What our people are saying

  • "I didn't know how much I needed CRF. Not only has it turned my physical health around, but my mental health as well. I feel like I'm all around a better person!"

  • "Charles isn’t your average trainer. He is personable and knows exactly what you need when you walk in the door to CRF. He can work with any body, whether they are an athlete, recovering from injury or a beginner to strength training."

  • "It takes dedication, commitment and consistency but you will see your desired results."

“I started seeing Charles 4 1/2 years ago after two total knee replacements and losing 200lbs. I was weak, lacked stamina, energy and lacked the knowledge to do it on my own.

What impressed me was that Charles sat down with me for an hour to talk about my goals and reasons for getting personal training. Charles has changed my life. He has an encyclopedic knowledge of the body, conditioning, weight training, and body mechanics. He is always observing and encouraging me to focus on the proper technique.

But, the reason I made so much progress is the encouragement, compassion, willingness to challenge me that Charles has demonstrated. I am grateful to have him as a personal trainer.”

- Joseph Ortiz

“I joined the CRF Team in April 2021 and never looked back.

If you want a challenging workout and see positive results and willing to work hard, then Charles Rollins is your answer. Before I joined the CRF Team I felt tired and rundown. My weight was at a standstill and I had a pinched nerve on my back that has caused me pain for two years and physical therapy could not fix the pain fast enough. But after one ROM workout session with Charles, he fixed my back pain, and I can just focus on performing better at each workout session.

Since I joined the CRF Team I lost 15 pounds and I am in the best shape of my life. I enjoy and look forward to working out again. Charles Rollins taught me the value of nutrition and eating the right type off food that is not only good for you but also tastes good. Charles’s constant motivation and belief in me to do better at each workout session is what keeps me coming back for more. Thank you CRF.” 

-Margaret Smith

“I had the pleasure of joining the CRF movement as both a client doing on-on-one training with Charles and as a member of group training classes. When I first came to Charles I was recovering from a sports related injury. Within just a few months, I was able to fully recovery and even forgo surgery that my doctor initially thought I needed.

What makes CRF unique and stand above all other workout programs is that Charles's principles become adaptable for lifestyle intervention, change, and sustainability. Charles is dedicated to his clients and has the knowledge and experience to clearly outline and detail how each person can achieve the results they want.

The CRF movement has not only changed my outlook on health, but on life. I would highly recommend CRF to those who are disciplined, dedicated, and willing to commit to getting the results they want to change their life.

- Jemma

“Ten years ago I was sixty five years old and fell down my stairs, shattering my knee and fracturing my tibia and fibula and injuring my femur. Subsequently, I needed five surgical knee procedures including a total knee replacement over a 2 1/2 year period. I was receiving physical therapy and other treatments but continued to have severe muscle weakness and chronic knee pain and was mostly wheelchair bound.

My husband recommended seeing a personal trainer and our son introduced me to Charles. After his evaluation he immediately knew that my body needed physical realignment with emphasis on my knee. Over the last 3 1/2 years I have had two sessions a week either at his gym or on FaceTime.

Charles is always very professional and motivating and shows great knowledge of how to strengthen muscles through exercise. I am now seventy five years old and thanks to Charles I can get down and up off the floor, walk the hills in my neighborhood with less pain.

I will always be eternally grateful for all of his professional help and know I would not be as healthy without his help.”

- Ellen Harshbarger

  • "Charles has the ability to tailor workouts to each client's goal. It is not a cookie-cutter workout or approach."


  • "Even in group settings, Charles watches everyone closely, and makes modifications as necessary. He's also keenly aware when you need to be pushed more."